Thursday, December 27, 2012

‘Tis the season for...chocolate!

I confess—I love chocolate. But I’m also something of a chocolate snob these days. If I’m going to eat chocolate, I want it to be real chocolate, not the imitation stuff that fills Easter baskets and Christmas stockings. Those chocolate bunnies? Forget it. And don’t even get me started on that thing called “white chocolate.” I don’t mind carob-coated raisins; they’re actually quite good in snack packs. But if a product’s not chocolate, it shouldn’t be labeled as such.

I’m not even sure that artificial stuff has the same benefits. For instance, real chocolate is a mood elevator. Does the fake stuff have enough of the active ingredient that makes us feel better? I doubt it. No wonder we feel so icky after being conned into eating it.

When I was a kid, I happily scarfed down chocolate bunnies and Santas because, hey, it was candy. Now, though, in this era of “healthy” dark chocolate, I’ve discovered the world of Dove and Bliss. They’re mainstream products, so I’m not truly a snob in the sense my chocolate has to be expensive. However, it definitely has to taste like the real thing. If it has some caramel or truffle or coconut in it, so much the better. And if someone really wants to make me happy, stuff my dark chocolate with some marzipan.
What’s your chocolate preference? Are you particular about the kind of chocolate you like?


  1. Hi Helen,
    Who doesn't like chocolate? I know I do. Dove is my favorite when it comes to the easy accessible, store product, but if I have to share my secret, I have a soft spot for Marshall Field's Frango Chocolates. They are my weakness, reminding me of Christmas and Easter, since I always found them among my gifts.
    I would rather not eat chocolate than chow down on a Hershey's Bar, nothing against Hershey's, I just love other things better,and this is my own personal opinion.
    Have a Happy New Year filled with lot's of chocolaty goodness,
    Eve A. James

    1. Hi Eve,
      If I'm lucky, someone will give me Ghirardelli caramels made with sea salt and dark chocolate. Yum! But I agree; I'd pass up bad/fake chocolate too.

  2. I love chocolate, too. I prefer the better stuff, but I'm not picky. If I'm really desperate just about any chocolate will do. I think the Godiva dark chocolate/raspberry bars are my favorites, but it's really hard to pick because it's chocolate! Hard to go wrong with any of it. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

    1. I like the good raspberry/chocolate combination too. Have you tried Terry's Chocolate Oranges, either dark or milk? They make a great fruity combination.

  3. I love chocolate just as much as the next person. However, the way I like my chocolate is rather unconventional. I love chocolate covered gummies.
