I'm positively thrilled to announce that my work in progress, THE LORD OF DRUEMARWIN, is the winner of the Pages From the Heart Published Author Fantasy category. I entered to get a 'cold read' of my first 24 pages, so I was suitably pleased when it made the finals, not to mention over the moon to have it win.
The book is a sequel to my debut novel, THE PRINCE OF VAL-FEYRIDGE, and I've been enjoying immersing myself in the world I created a long time ago to occupy my imagination on long car trips, etc. I've also been enjoying making my hero and heroine suffer all the twists and trials that same imagination can conjure up for them. And they--bless them--have been revealing all sorts of little tidbits about themselves that I can use to torment them farther.
On a side note, be sure to enter The Romance Reviews Year End Splash Party month-long contest. A Kindle copy of BLOODSTONE is up for grabs on Sunday, Nov. 22. Click on the Splash Party link to the left to go to the contest, then come back to my BLOODSTONE page on the right to find the answer to the trivia question. Good luck!